Presentation videos

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Video duration: 20 minutes long, in English.


Our Questionnaire : Assessing the Impact of "Long-term" COVID-19.


Video Topic: Presents the questionnaire's structure and responses from the first 136 respondents,

summarized as mean values.


Clearly, this is an unusual disease.


Yet with 6 million people who have it, why is it still posing problems as well, for those charged with its treatment?


The presentation suggests links of this illness to mitochondrial disease.


It proposes photobiomodulation as therapy.




The above was presented online November 27. 

Sponsored by the Ethnicity and COVID-19 Research Consortium


More details on this conference.

Mini Conference  - 27 Nov - avatars



Since the topic of the mini-conference assembled expert opinions on COVID-19 in Black, Asian and Minority-Ethnic (BAME) populations, here is our input, pertinent results from our Questionnaire.


While the BAME respondents have been few in number up to this point in time, (and that is being addressed) using small group statistical methods, significant and useful results were nevertheless obtained.


Here is a short presentation of some of the results of this BAME subgroup study.



And a link to this video.


So as we emerge from these presentations, what should we be thinking?


   It's an Energy Issue   


Here's why >>>>>>>>>>


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